The crackling sound that you hear at night may not be wind gusts or a top-heavy container falling over near your garbage cans but any wildlife animal trying to enter your property.
If you are well-aware of the damages that raccoons can cause, then it’s not shocking that you don’t want them hanging around your yard. The yard at your home may have become a regular feeding spot of a furry visitor or any female raccoons searching for a nesting site may rip off shingles, or rooftop ventilators to get into your space. A raccoon may seem to be tiny and cute, but they can result into a pest to homeowners or farmers – and even carry terrible diseases. That’s why it’s very important to understand raccoons and their behavior so that when they come around you spot one near your home.
Raccoons generally can invade into your yards at night, so their presence can be hard to detect. Mostly, they get attracted to places where they find food. While there’s a possibility that raccoons might come looking for water in your yard, it’s possible that they want to look through your trash cans. It’s quite important to concentrate on the clues that they leave behind and to the number and frequency in which they are left behind.
tipped over garbage cans, damage caused to your garden or fish pond, an emptied or spilled pet food bowl, knocked over bird feeders, a disturbed compost pile. If you live in a city or sub-urban area, raccoons are probably looking after your garbage.
Therefore, walk around the potential area and try to eradicate the food items because raccoons won’t stick around if they don’t get food. Make sure your leave nothing eatables in your backyard.
2. Homeowners and gardeners believe that the best way to keep raccoons away from your home or crops is to install an electric fence around the area. Because raccoons are known to be amazing climbers, swimmers or even jumpers, so they can easily cross the normal fences. Make sure that the fences tall enough, and ideally, made of a material (may be smoother material) that makes it difficult for raccoons to climb.
Raccoons always evade forests with beech trees because of their smooth texture. However, the electric fences might be harsh and expensive, but there’s no denying that they can perform well.
What would you do if you find raccoons inside your home, and not just in your yard? Keeping prevention is always the best. The raccoons or any other animals wouldn’t enter your home if you had taken preventive measures by firstly, identifying the entry points in every nook and corner of the house and then seal up the holes and gaps that might be used by the animals as the entry points.
Attempt the best call while trying to keep the animals such as raccoons away from your yard. For professional guidance, call 844-427-4883.